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Not About Food

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Eve.  You can track your life through New Year’s Eves: Childhood: Pass out on the couch before the ball drops. Teens: Party with your friends, it’s the last hurrah for…

Wild Kingdom

This week has been crazy. It's not anything you'd think -- not work, not family commitments, not getting ready for a vacation. It's been Wild Kingdom over here. Literally. It started with the Heron. Our relationship with the Heron has been tenuous at best. We have a small man-made pond and he showed up about a year after we moved in, looking for dinner. It was mainly a goldfish pond, but there was one big koi in there, old enough and wise enough to survive. We called him The Leviathan. The Heron is a gorgeous bird with a 5 foot wingspan, but his goals and ours are completely at cross purposes. Our koi pond is not a sushi bar. So Wolf MacGyvered a cover out of PVC and netting. But the Heron is persistent. Like a 3-year old running through a group of pigeons, I’ve taken off across our grass, waving my arms and yelling to scare him off. We've driven up only to catch him soaring off after a sashimi appetizer from our pond. Eventually, while we were on vacation, he even got the Leviathan. This week, I saved the damn Heron.

Not About Food: Shooting the Supermoon

We got clouded out on the initial Supermoon rise last night, but later I did manage to get at least one interesting shot of that super bright moon illuminating the clouds directly east of us...and a lot of bunk ones, too (sigh). Some potentially interesting shots have a nice green reflection of the moon, maybe from my UV filter.
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