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Not About Food

Never Again

Instructions to All Persons of Japanese Descent, from the National Park Service's Collection of Historical Documents. In 1940, my grandma was a 21-year old maid in Los Angeles. She worked for…

Urban Craft Uprising: Pretty Kitchen Stuff

In the way back times of the Internet, circa 2000, people were predicting you'd be able to watch TV shows online and be able to immediately click and buy the clothes Rachel or Monica were wearing. And though product placements have gotten waaaaaay more overt on TV and elsewhere, I'm still not seeing them convert that directly to purchases. What's interesting is ID'ing items, whether paid placement or not, has made its way into the food world to some extent.  Have you noticed that Food and Wine has been adding prop captions to their photos? For those of us who have too many dishes and utensils, but always seem to find room for more, I love not having to see if they've included sources at the back of the magazine.  I can't say I've bought anything as a direct result, but clearly there are a lot of us coveting pretty dishes and linens and utensils. This weekend, I went to Urban Craft Uprising in Seattle and picked up some tea towels and other kitchen accoutrement that I'm sure you'll soon be seeing here.  So today's post isn't really about the raspberry mint sorbet, it's more of an excuse to show off some cute kitchen stuff I've picked up along the way. I will say, by Seattle standards, it was hotter than Hades this weekend, and when it's that warm, even ice cream seems a little too mookie to really provide the refreshment you need. Hence, the sorbet.

The Last Day

On the last day, she came up to my office one last time.  I heard her slowly coming up the stairs and then stop in the hallway, catching her breath. …

Working Vacation – Tofino, BC + Hank’s Ucluelet

Ya comin Cox Bay Tofino BC| dailywaffle

The last few summers we've made an annual trip up to Tofino, situated on the edge of Vancouver Island, about a 4 hour drive from Victoria, BC. It's a great surf spot for Wolf, it's got great hiking and beaches and a concentration of restaurants in Tofino-town. The timing of this year's trip didn't let us (well, at least me) sign off completely, so it ended up being a working vacation.  Still great to get away.  As it turns out, even after several visits there are plenty of new discoveries still to be made in Tofino.

10 Days Ago

sun gets in your eyes | dailywaffle Ten days ago, our old girl H was trotting on the beach with me and Wolf in Tofino and today she’s back home after a day and a half at the emergency vet. It doesn’t look good. It started with a lack of interest in her kibble, she was wheezy and her breathing was somewhat labored. She coughed a few times and by the end of the trip, she just wasn’t all that interested in going very far for a walk.  We got home late and went to the vet the next day.
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