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Birthday Cakes & Simple Apple Galettes

Arkansas Black Apple Galette| dailywaffle
Sometimes you just have to do a little something for yourself. My birthday was on a Monday this year, so I didn't take it as a day off. Instead, I thought about getting myself cupcakes or a dozen donuts, but then decided to make myself an apple galette with the Arkansas Black apples I had rolling around the produce drawer. Is that the practical side of adulthood?

Thanksgiving Leftovers: Cranberry Black Pepper Sweet Rolls

cranberry black pepper sweet rolls| dailywaffle
It's the day after Thanksgiving. You just had a turkey sandwich with a few slices of apple and a schmear of cranberry, but there's still a lot left. Why is it that of all the Thanksgiving side dishes, it's the cranberry that hangs around for days? Whether it's brandied cranberries, a basic homemade cranberry sauce or the one from a can, it's always the last to go.  This year, I've got an idea for you. Cranberry Black Pepper Sweet Rolls.

Grill Power > Pineapple Passion Fruit Grilled Chicken

  As soon as it gets gorgeous out, the first thing you want to do is whip the cover off the grill and throw on some burgers and dogs.  But what about after that? With a stretch of nice days its easy to run through your usual grilling repertoire and run out of ideas.  So why don't we do a little island-inspired grilled chicken?  Pineapple Passion Fruit Glazed Chicken we first made during our trip to Kaua'i in February.

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Crisp


Rhubarb is perpetually stuck in the Friend Zone, like that friend you’ve known your whole life, but you just didn’t see him that way.  Every spring, rhubarb kicks off farmers market season in the Pacific Northwest, but all you have eyes for are the asparagus and peas. Last week at the market, I snapped a few photos of rhubarb but otherwise passed it by. Then, with a nudge from Hannah’s rhubarb cranachan (think oaty rhubarb jam parfait) over at Blue Kale Road, I put this crazy red celery-looking fruit on the shopping list.

Don’t Call Me Shirley Raspberry Spritzer

  Drinks named after celebrities seem to belong to a bygone era. One of the thrills of going out to dinner with my parents when I was little was ordering a Shirley Temple. With its delicate pink hue and a maraschino cherry floating on top, a Shirley Temple made you feel like one of the grownups. I think I even ordered one at dinner before junior prom. Today, if I ordered a Roy Rogers or an Arnold Palmer, I expect most people would know what I was after without explanation. But some where along the line, drinks named after celebrities fell out of favor. Can you imagine ordering a George Clooney, a Justin Bieber, or a Tiger Woods? The idea for this raspberry spritzer started as a spin on a Shirley Temple, which I’ve always thought of as 7-up and grenadine, but Wikipedia claims the soda is actually ginger ale. Made with a fresh raspberry syrup brightened by lemon, this spritzer is sweet but not cloying. And yes, it takes 3 half-pints of berries, but it’ll put any Italian soda made with bottled syrup to shame.

Summer Desserts: Cornmeal Biscuit Peach Cobbler

  One of my all time favorite summer songs is DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince's SummerTime. It's a head-bobbin', windows rolled down song that takes you right back to the summer of 1991, but is still a jam 20 years later. You know the one:
Summa, summa, summa-time. Time to sit back and unwind... Here it is... the groove slightly transformed just a bit of a break from the norm just a little somethin' to break the monotony of all that hardcore dance that has gotten to be a little bit out of control it's cool to dance but what about the groove that soothes that moves romance give me a soft subtle mix and if ain't broke then don't try to fix it...

Airplanes and Apple Pecan Muffins

apple pecan muffins
I'm in the airport security line. Passengers are taking off their shoes and jackets, putting their laptops and liquids into bins for the x-ray machine. TSA employees are calling out reminders to remove belts and money from pockets. It was a morning flight, so in the bin along with my purse and toiletries, was my breakfast. "Oh, I'm sorry, those muffins can't go through," says the TSA guy. I take a beat, trying to figure out what he's talking about. Then I smile, "Oh, because they look too good, right?"

Baked Strawberry Shortcake Doughnuts/Donuts

You've heard of the Donut Man in Glendora, California right? If not, let me introduce you, because what they do there, you need to know about it. The Donut Man is famous for their fresh strawberry donuts -- that's right, they take a glazed donut, slice it in half and sandwich in an enormous portion of fresh strawberries (or peaches, later in the summer) in goo. It's ridiculously deliciously goo-d. Today, I was thinking about those doughnuts and meant to stop by Top Pot on the way home for a couple of glazed and then I promptly forgot. Instead, I came up with these baked strawberry shortcake doughnuts (or in this case: short, cake doughnuts). Doesn't it look like one of those spongy dessert cups they sell right next to the strawberries in the produce department?
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