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Taco Bar: Mexican Rice & Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

red chorizo tacos | dailywaffle

Tacos seem like a simple food. A stack of tortillas, a little meat, a little onion, cilantro, a spoonful of salsa. Hit your local taqueria, order 2 or 3 and there’s lunch.  At home, tacos quickly spiral out of control. No taco plate is complete without rice and beans. And wouldn’t some escabeche, pickled carrots and jalapenos, be good alongside? And what about guacamole? You’ve gotta have guacamole.  Suddenly, your quick and dirty dinner has dirtied every pan in the house.


But what can you do? Summer, right about now, might just be the best time for a taco bar. Tomatillos and tomatoes are just coming in at our market, summer squash is plentiful. Chiles aren't far behind. There was no question we’d wrap the July 4th holiday weekend with tacos – with two different approaches to pork tacos from the Homesick Texan Cookbook and the accompanying sides.

Make Strawberry Jam Before It’s Too Late!

Strawberries have a lot in common with regret. And with the old adage, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” If ever there was such a thing as a fleeting moment, strawberry season in the Northwest truly is it.  The first local strawberries seem to appear in early June and by the end of the month, they’re nearly gone.  If you want to get technical about it yes, there are ever-bearing varieties here, but the June bearers – the Puget Crimson, the Puget Reliance, the Rainiers – seem to make the most flavorful jam. For a kid who grew up in California, strawberry season stretches from as early as late January nearly all the way to the fall, before starting again. It’s a luxury that we just don’t have this far north.   You’ve got to pay attention to the calendar and the moment the strawberries come in, start tasting and making jam.  Unlike last year, when I first started dabbling with jam, I only made strawberry once, and as a refrigerator jam to boot, not realizing what I’d be missing come January and February.  This year, I was ready. Sort of.

FridayNightSlice: DailyWaffle Deluxe

deluxe pizza If you're a Trader Joe's shopper, you know some items don't stick around long.  They appear on the New Items shelf one week and a month later, they might be gone, not popular enough to keep their shelf space.  I worry that the Hot 'n Sweet peppers are going to be one of those items, especially around here, where most people ask for 1-star spicy at restaurants.  These little peppers are fan-freaking-tastic on pizza and they're one of the items on today's #FridayNightSlice -- the DailyWaffle Deluxe.

Friday Night Slice: Kale, Calabrian Chile & Mozzarella Pizza

kale calabrian chile pizza |dailywaffle You know who really needs Spring Break? Adults. Teacher friends, you were smart to get into education. It’s a job I know I could never do, let’s face it, unless I taught 1st or 2nd grade, all the kids would be taller than me. But more than that, you get breaks! We’re just back from some time in Hawaii for the annual escape to sunshine, hence the radio silence around here. The one thing we didn’t have for the duration of our trip was pizza. Hanalei Pizza Company is gone, about to be replaced by a Puka Dog. So, for the first time in ages, we went 10 days without even a slice of pizza. Since we had nothing else in the house, pizza was our first meal back. And whaddya know, my first post back is a Friday Night Slice. Today’s slice is a vegetarian Kale, Calabrian Chile & Mozzarella pie with thinly shaved garlic.

Friday Night Slice: Pineapple + Jalapeños = Pineapeño

No one has really committed to Spring yet.  We’re still in the rainy season and our grill remains bundled up, still in its winter slumber, but this week's Friday Night Slice is one you can make today and carry into the summer barbecue season. I can’t say I know exactly where this one came from.  Was it a craving for island breezes and sunshine? Or just a passing thought about the pepperoni and jalapeño from Pizza Port? Maybe both.  This week’s slice is a vegetarian pizza I’m calling a Pineapeño.

Maximum Pesto, Minimum Noodle

basil pesto orzo salad |dailywaffle Wolf declared this the best pesto he’s ever had. I laughed,  made a “yeah, whatever” face and said, “You’re just hungry.” It’s the same basil pesto I’ve been making for years and there’s nothing all that unusual about it.  I don’t put pine nuts in it and I add a squeeze of lemon juice to stave off discoloration. So, why talk about it? We made a discovery the other night. The secret here is maximum pesto, minimum noodle.

Baring It All, Down to the Turkey Meatballs

Here’s the deal. Meatballs are not pretty. They’re like most of us – dented on one side, browned but splotchy, hiding beneath a red sauce, and hoping everyone is distracted by the parmesan sprinkled over the top.  F that.  Today, we’re stripping it bare, because what do you have to hide? A meatball is a meatball, and done right, there’s no shame in it.  I’m not your nonna and this isn’t Sunday where we have all day to cook a gravy, so let’s make some Greek-inspired, Spinach and Feta Turkey Meatballs.

Friday Night Slice: Soppressata Styles

friday night slice soppresata red onion cherry tomatoes| dailywaffleWe’re almost a week into Daylight Savings Time and I still haven’t quite adjusted. 7 am, when it’s just getting light, feels like the right time to get up. Any earlier, it’s pitch black and I just don’t want to roll out of bed, not even for coffee. This week’s Friday Night Slice falls on Pi(e) day, so if you happen to not be fan of flaky-crusted sweet or savory pies, or you just don’t have the time or inclination since we're all in a bit of a haze, a slice of pizza pie is here to mark the occasion.  So let’s get to this week's topping inspiration – Fra'Mani soppressata, red onion and cherry tomatoes.

Friday Night Slice: No Red Sauce? No Problem.

fig jam genoa salami pizza | dailywaffle The thing about pizza it's easy to fall into a toppings rut.  You can never go wrong with a good, basic slice of pepperoni with red sauce, but what about when you don't have any tomatoes or jarred marinara on hand? No sauce? No problem. Open the fridge. You got some jam or fruit butter in there? Now hold on, I'm not suggesting we go all peanut butter and jelly on this pizza, though I did have it once in the '80s at a place in Pacific Grove, CA.  No, this week's Friday Night Slice is uncured Columbus Genoa salame, mozzarella and fig butter.  You get a bit of the sweet from the fruit butter and a little salty from the salame. Top it after baking with some grated parmesan and a sprinkle of chopped Italian parsley.
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