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Working for the Weekend: Gingery Peach Bellinis

peach bellini with homemade peach syrup| dailywaffle Something about a bellini feels infinitely more luxurious than your usual mimosa. You can get pretty decent freshly squeezed orange juice almost year round, which makes a mimosa standard. But the bellini is something special, something summer, something more than, especially with your own peach syrup. After this, you’ll never want a can of peach nectar again.

Summer Sipper: Red Wine Sangria


It only takes a few lost Sundays to put you off one drink or another. There's a reason people snicker knowingly at, "One margarita, two margarita, three margarita, floor."  In college,  one too many cheap, bowl-sized glasses of sangria put it on my list of top hangover-inducing beverages, right behind bottom-shelf margaritas and Long Island Iced Teas.  It'd been a long time since I'd had sangria, and even longer since I’d had good sangria.  Until La Condesa.

Don’t Call Me Shirley Raspberry Spritzer

  Drinks named after celebrities seem to belong to a bygone era. One of the thrills of going out to dinner with my parents when I was little was ordering a Shirley Temple. With its delicate pink hue and a maraschino cherry floating on top, a Shirley Temple made you feel like one of the grownups. I think I even ordered one at dinner before junior prom. Today, if I ordered a Roy Rogers or an Arnold Palmer, I expect most people would know what I was after without explanation. But some where along the line, drinks named after celebrities fell out of favor. Can you imagine ordering a George Clooney, a Justin Bieber, or a Tiger Woods? The idea for this raspberry spritzer started as a spin on a Shirley Temple, which I’ve always thought of as 7-up and grenadine, but Wikipedia claims the soda is actually ginger ale. Made with a fresh raspberry syrup brightened by lemon, this spritzer is sweet but not cloying. And yes, it takes 3 half-pints of berries, but it’ll put any Italian soda made with bottled syrup to shame.
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