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Football Food: Hatch Chile Poppers

hatch chile poppers | dailywaffle

Peeling back the wrapper on a can of refrigerator biscuits and thwacking it against the edge of the counter takes me back to childhood. I’m not talking about the big flaky layer biscuits, I’m talking the cheapest ones – the skinny tube of “homestyle” or “buttermilk” refrigerator biscuits that come 10 to a can. I’ll eat them every which way, but not as baked biscuits. Most of the time, I plunk them on top of Chunky Chicken Noodle soup and let them steam up in a shortcut version of chicken and dumplings. It’s comfort food from childhood that still hits the spot to this day if I’m not feeling great.

Back-to-School Black Bean & Sweet Potato Empanadas

black bean and sweet potato empanadas |dailywaffle The hand pie may be one of the world’s best food creations.  Whether it’s a piroshky, a Pop Tart, a beerock or an empanada, the idea of tucking something sweet or savory into a little pocket of dough is an idea embraced by food cultures the world over. It’s an easy way to have a snack or a meal on the go with relatively minimal mess, which makes these Black Bean and Sweet Potato Empanadas perfect for back-to-school and back-to-work lunch boxes. (I know, I don’t want to think about it, either, and I don’t have kids).

Vegetarian Summer Rolls w/ Quinoa

You know that thing I said about tiptoeing into fall? It’s on hold. Well, temporarily. Ma Nature has gifted us with an extended summer and around these parts, you don’t look a sunny and 75 gift horse in the mouth. You bypass the pumpkin lattes and keep on making cold brew and enjoy every last bit of summer you can, because there’ll be beets and parsnips from the moment it ends until July comes around again next year. I’m sure I’ve committed some kind of culinary crime with these vegetarian summer rolls. Violated a sacrosanct law by bringing quinoa into the picture. A grain that’s as hipster as skinny jeans and typewriters. But if you’re trying to get more whole grains, more fiber, well, then you work it in where you can.  These summer rolls are a perfect little snack, a perfect little starter and they’re chock full of vegetables.

Baked Not Fried: Spring Rolls

Upfront, spring rolls should be fried. Really, they should. But sometimes, you don't want to deal with the oil, or you want to eat about 4-5 of them without [as much] guilt. Just remember, when you cut corners, you give something up. These are not going to be a miracle replacement for fried spring rolls. You good with that? You sure? Ok, let's talk baked spring rolls.

Dip, Baby, Dip: Muhammara (Roasted Red Pepper Dip)

  Happy New Year, folks! I'm not much for new year's resolutions, but coming off two weeks of insane indulgence, it's time to get back on the wagon. I won't be vowing to hit the gym only to poop out by the end of January, but I will be trying to eat more vegetables and get more whole grains into my diet. So let's start off the year with this gorgeous muhammara dip, shall we? Using a base of roasted red peppers, it makes for a pretty healthy snack with pita chips or carrot sticks and offers a nice alternative to hummus. It's fantastic alongside tzatziki for grilled chicken or lamb kebabs, too.
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