Trader Joe’s Caesar Broccoli Bake ($4.99) is another one of these rebadged Taylor Farms items you can find at some other grocery stores. I can’t say I’ve seen it in my area other than at TJ’s, but if you google, you might find it at another store. Either way, it just might be one of my FAVORITE items they’ve put on shelves this year. No, seriously.

In the bag, you get broccoli florets, a packet of Caesar dressing, a couple of tablespoons of shredded parmesan cheese, and some breadcrumb “croutons.” Toss the broccoli with a little olive oil (as directed on the bag) and 3/4 of the dressing. Bake on parchment for 15-20 minutes until golden. Add the cheese and breadcrumbs and bake for 2 minutes more. Voilá!

You’re supposed to drizzle with the remaining dressing, but for me, it didn’t need it. (And hey, less calories). Skipping it also lets the breadcrumbs and browned cheese stay crispy. As usual the broccoli shrinks down with roasting, so for us, this fed 2 adults. We like vegetables.
I don’t know what it is about it, but like, why is this so tasty?! Maybe it’s the roasted broccoli along with the texture of the breadcrumbs along with the golden brown crispy cheese. But man, it’s tasty AF!
I don’t keep store-bought Caesar dressing in the house, but if you do, Trader Joe’s Caesar Broccoli Bake Kit will be easy to copy and make in bigger volume. At first, I was like $5 a bag seems a little steep, but if you’re just cooking for one person, I love the convenience factor here. Would definitely buy it again.