Milk Street: Tuesday Nights is the June pick for the #RainyDayBitesCookbookClub on Instagram. Since June 8, I’ve made 10 dishes from the book. When you consider there are more than 200 recipes in the book, it’s only a tiny fraction.

Typically, I’ll make 3-4 and then write up some thoughts on the book. But 10 in roughly 2 weeks should give you a sense of how weeknight-friendly these recipes really are. The good news is the recipes are also very global. It’s not just a few pastas and a few stir fries, though those are included. There’s Jollof Rice from West Africa, Lamajoun from Armenia (and Turkey and Lebanon), Tamarind Chickpeas with Greens inspired by Indian street food, Vietnamese Meatball Lettuce Wraps that reminded me of bun cha. And yes, there are a few desserts.

Most recipes have been adapted to fit Fast-Faster-and-Fastest timeframes taking 45-50 minutes tops. There are a few exceptions for roasted and braised dishes and the Baking Steel or Stone warm-up time for pizzas.
We’ve enjoyed everything we’re tried so far, but you’ll notice I haven’t cooked any fish dishes. I don’t cook much fish at home, but you should definitely check the #rainydaybitescookbookclub hashtag on Instagram, as others who are cooking along this month have done cod, shrimp, and I think, salmon recipes, too.

I missed the first challenge of the month, which was a Moroccan Braised Lemon Chicken, but I definitely won’t be missing the second, which is a dessert challenge on June 30. We’ve got the choice of Chocolate Tahini Pudding, Maple Whiskey Pudding Cakes or Puddings Chomeur, a cake-like Quebecois pudding with maple syrup and cream.
As was the case when Christopher Kimball was at America’s Test Kitchen, you either have to subscribe to Milk Street or buy the book to get the recipes. Grabbing it from your library is a great way to start, if you want to try it on for size. I’m sure you’ll find a handful of recipes you’ll want to put into regular rotation.
To see more results from Milk Street: Tuesday Nights, check out my Instagram @dailywaffle.
Get Milk Street: Tuesday Nights on Amazon