3 Sweet and Sassy Reads for your Easter Bunny
I had THE best reading week. Some weeks you pick up a book, read a few chapters and then toss it aside. Others, you’re devouring one book after another and hoping your library has an author’s back catalog covered. This week was all about sweets and I must be still be riding the sugar high, because I LOVED every book I read this week. These are the sweet and sassy reads you’ll want to put into your bestie’s Easter basket.
The Chocolate Kiss by Laura Florand — I loved this book, actually even more than the Chocolate Thief. It’s got a touch of the fairy tale, a bit of magic and on the romance side, it’s frenemies to lovers in the slowest of slow burns. Add to that gorgeously drawn, drool-worthy patisserie, the finest chocolat chaud (hot chocolate) in the city, and it was all over for me. Magalie Chaudron (I see what you did there, Laura) works in her aunties’ tea shop, La Maison Sorcieres, and is known for her amazing hot chocolate. Phillippe Lyonnais is a world famous pastry chef who decides to open up shop just down the street from La Maison Sorcieres. Mr. World Famous moving in on their territory creates some issues and sets up a confrontational meet cute and the two continue to butt heads once Lyonnais opens. ($2.99 on Kindle)
Buns by Alice Clayton — Coming in May. Clara Morgan finds herself in Bailey Falls, New York, commissioned to rebrand and revamp Bryant Mountain House, the resort up on the hill. Archie Bryant is determined to maintain tradition and initially fights her at every turn. In classic Alice Clayton-style, there are laugh out loud moments, toe-curling kisses, and appearances from the rest of the Bailey Falls crew: Roxie, Natalie, Leo, Oscar and of course, Logan and the Chad Bowman. As they say: It’s sticky, it’s messy, it’s sweet, it’s Buns. If you haven’t read the Hudson Valley series, catch up on Nuts and Cream of the Crop* for Easter and grab some BUNS when it comes out in May. Full review to come. (Pre-order now on Amazon).
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