Two days after being back from SF, I’m finally hungry again. When you’re trying to pack food experiences into a compressed amount of time, you’re never hungry for 3 meals, let alone afternoon snacks. But I persevered. California delivered a gorgeous week of sunshine, practically a heatwave for early October. Ahhh, vitamin D. And not only that, this past weekend happened to coincide with Fleet Week, the America’s Cup, a post-season Giants game, and a Niners game. But let’s start with an appetizer, shall we? The Ferry Building ended up being a home away from home of sorts, since it was so close to the hotel.
Good thing, it was easy to get my Blue Bottle fix.
Gott’s now has a froyo stand on the side facing into the Ferry Building. Vanilla was good, the original tart was a little icy. Pinkberry at the airport on the way home was still a winner. And they had chocolate hazelnut. Enough said.
If there’s one thing you go to the Ferry Building for, it’s the Saturday farmers market. I haven’t been back to the Saturday Santa Monica market in years, but I’m beginning to think the Ferry Building’s Saturday market is the gold standard. We met up with a friend and former colleague for Blue Bottle (alas, no waffles) and hung out while he did his shopping. I brought home a few things, the Asian pears fared far better than the Warrens on the trip home, but it was still worth it.
Meyer Lemons.
Red bells at Tierra Vegetables. These ladies also had chiles galore, and I brought home a jar of their chile jam. Can’t wait.
And then, these gorgeous gorgeous apples. This is fall. I live in a state known for its apples, but damn, I miss you, California.
Wickson apples.
The downside to being a short photographer. Can’t quite stand far enough back.
More to come from California…