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You found me! Thank you for considering DailyWaffle to review your book! Here’s the lowdown:

DailyWaffle accepts review requests and evaluates submissions on a case-by-case basis with an eye to time, personal interest and fit for our readers. 

  • We cannot guarantee all books will be reviewed.
  • We primarily review contemporary and historical romance, rom-coms, thrillers, cookbooks and some YA.
  • We are actively interested in books by authors of color, #diversebooks, #ownvoices.
  • Indie authors, your work is welcome here. Subject matter, characters and story are more important than how you published.
  • Books may appear in standalone reviews, roundups, or spotlights. We also post reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and promote posts via Instagram /Threads and Pinterest. We also talk books on Tiktok.
  • Our reviews will be honest, good or bad.  I treat books the same whether they’re provided to me or I buy them myself: if it’s a DNF, it likely won’t be reviewed on the blog. I may review it and/or provide a rating on Goodreads. 
  • Lead Time: For new releases, we request at least one month lead time where possible. In the case of cookbooks, I often cook from them to get a feel for the results, so if I have longer than a month, even better.
  • Physical copies are preferred (they tend to photograph better), digital is fine. We appreciate ARCs (to give us more time to read) as well as finished copies.
  • We often, but do not always, #bookstagram, the books we review.

Contact: michelleATdailywaffleDOTcom.

Updated 1/17/24.